Campbellsville University School Of Chiropractic

Harrodsburg, KY Private
Campbellsville University School Of Chiropractic is a private school located in Harrodsburg, Kentucky.
The 2024 tuition & fee at Campbellsville University School Of Chiropractic is $28,199. Compared to private Chiropractic schools in U.S., its tuition is lower than the average tuition of $31,910.

2024 Chiropractic Tuition & Fees

The 2024 Chiropractic tuition & fees at Campbellsville University School Of Chiropractic is $28,199 for is prospective students.
The tuition & fees at Campbellsville University School Of Chiropractic has not risen in the past changed over past 2 years.
Campbellsville University has undergraduate programs and its undergraduate tuition & fees $26,990 for is prospective students. The average graduate tuition & fees other than Chiropractic is $9,920.
The following table shows the Chiropractic tuition & fees over last 5 years at Campbellsville University School Of Chiropractic.
Chiropractic Tuition & Fees Changes at Campbellsville University School Of Chiropractic
YearTuition & Fees

Required Application Components

In addition to the prerequisite courses, there are other components that you need to submit to apply to Campbellsville University School Of Chiropractic.
See the following list for the required application component and find out how to prepare it before applying to the school.
  • Submission of a completed Campbellsville University application for the DC program.
  • Submission of official transcripts from all previously attended post-secondary institutions.
  • Two letters of recommendation: 1) from a professor and 2) from a professional.
  • A one-page personal statement describing intent to pursue the DC degree.
  • Submission of recent criminal background check. Instructions to complete check will be sent upon acceptance into the program.

Campbellsville University School Of Chiropractic Directory Information

NameCampbellsville University School Of Chiropractic
Parent InstitutionCampbellsville University
Address974 University Dr, Harrodsburg, KY 40330
Application Deadline
Application Fee-