Universidad Central Del Caribe Doctor Of Chiropractic Program

Bayamon, PR Private
Universidad Central Del Caribe Doctor Of Chiropractic Program is a private school located in Bayamon, Puerto Rico. The Chiropractic program at Universidad Central Del Caribe Doctor Of Chiropractic Program is accredited by Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE).
The 2024 tuition & fee at Universidad Central Del Caribe Doctor Of Chiropractic Program is $48,263. Compared to private Chiropractic schools in U.S., its tuition is much higher than the average tuition of $31,910.
Universidad Central Del Caribe has a medical school granting MD program. You can check the detailed information about MD program at Universidad Central del Caribe School of Medicine admission page.

2024 Chiropractic Tuition & Fees

The 2024 Chiropractic tuition & fees at Universidad Central Del Caribe Doctor Of Chiropractic Program is $48,263 for is prospective students.
The tuition & fees at Universidad Central Del Caribe Doctor Of Chiropractic Program has increased by 13.85% over the past 5 years from $42,390 to $48,263.
Universidad Central Del Caribe has undergraduate programs and its undergraduate tuition & fees $6,551 for is prospective students. The average graduate tuition & fees other than Chiropractic is $7,523.
The following table shows the Chiropractic tuition & fees over last 5 years at Universidad Central Del Caribe Doctor Of Chiropractic Program.
Chiropractic Tuition & Fees Changes at Universidad Central Del Caribe Doctor Of Chiropractic Program
YearTuition & Fees

Prerequisites for applying to Universidad Central Del Caribe Doctor Of Chiropractic Program

The courses in the table below lists prerequisite courses as examples shown in Universidad Central Del Caribe Doctor Of Chiropractic Program admission page. For the detailed explanation, see its admission page.
Prerequisite Examples for Universidad Central Del Caribe Doctor Of Chiropractic Program Admission
Biology8 Semester Hours
Science Credit
General or Inorganic Chemistry8 Semester Hours
Science Credit
Organic Chemistry8 Semester Hours
Science Credit
Physics8 Semester Hours
Science Credit
Spanish6 Semester Hours
General Study Credit
English12 Semester Hours
General Study Credit

Required Application Components

In addition to the prerequisite courses, there are other components that you need to submit to apply to Universidad Central Del Caribe Doctor Of Chiropractic Program.
See the following list for the required application component and find out how to prepare it before applying to the school.
  • Two formal letters of recommendation, one of which must come from a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC), sent to the Admissions Office (See the recommendation form). Recommendation letters from the DC will be accompanied by an evaluation rubric that consist of at least 8 hours of shadowing with the DC.
  • A personal statement, written in English, establishing why you are passionate about becoming a chiropractor. The statement must have 500 words or less.
  • A curriculum vitae (CV) written in English.

Universidad Central Del Caribe Doctor Of Chiropractic Program Directory Information

NameUniversidad Central Del Caribe Doctor Of Chiropractic Program
Parent InstitutionUniversidad Central Del Caribe
AddressPO BOX 60327, Bayamon, PR 00960
Application Deadline
Application Fee-