Total Student Population

At Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell, a total of 442 students are enrolled including 99 first-time students. By gender, there are 212 male and 229 female students enrolled. Hofstra School of Medicine is smaller than other medical schools.
Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell Student Population by Gender
Total EnrollmentMenWomeen
Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell442212229
All Medical Schools633284347
New York Medical Schools589269319

First-year Students by Gender

Total 4,790 applicants applied to Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell. By gender, 43.5% of applicants were male and 55.6% were female. As for residency, 32.0% of applicants were New York residents and 68.0% applied from other states.
Of the matriculated students, 43.5% are male students and 56.6% female students. By legal residence, 64.6% of first-year students are New York residents and 35.4% students are from out of state.
First-year Students by Gender and Residency
YearTotalBy GenderBy Residency
MaleFemaleNY ResidentsOut-of-State
2021-2022Applicants 6,089 2,8013,282 1,8394,250
Matriculants99 4752 5049
Acceptance Rate1.63% 1.68% 1.58% 2.72% 1.15%
2022-2023Applicants 5,477 2,4213,045 1,5723,905
Matriculants99 4455 5643
Acceptance Rate1.81% 1.82% 1.81% 3.56% 1.10%
2023-2024Applicants 5,034 2,2652,738 1,5613,473
Matriculants99 5048 6435
Acceptance Rate1.97% 2.21% 1.75% 4.10% 1.01%
2024-2025Applicants 4,790 2,0842,663 1,5333,257
Matriculants99 4356 6435
Acceptance Rate2.07% 2.06% 2.10% 4.17% 1.08%