13 California Medical Schools Comparison

There are 13 LCME-accredited medical schools in California as of 2023. By school type, 6 medical schools are public and 7 are private. Stanford University School of Medicine ranked first among California medical schools with #8 in overall medical school ranking.
The below list summarizes the 2023 important medical schools statistics for California medical schools.
  • The average MCAT Score of California medical schools is 514.
  • The average GPA is 3.77.
  • The average acceptance rate is 2.23%.
  • In public California medical schools, the average tuition & fees is $48,012 for state residents and $59,577 for out-of-state students.
  • In private California medical schools, the average tuition & fees is $69,466.
  • Total 7,153 students have attended California medical schools in 2023 and each school had 550 medical school students in average.
  • A total of 1,636 students have newly enrolled (first-time students) 2023 and , in average, a medical school had 126 first-time students last year.

List of California Medical Schools and Comparison

The following table lists 13 California medical schools with important statistics including tuition and MCAT scores. You can compare them with the information and sort the table by each column that you want. The ranking is for all LCME-accredited medical school. It is computed based on a number of factors including the admission scores, number of faculties, bar pass rate, acceptance rate, and employment statistics.
California Medical Schools Comparison Table
SchoolRankingFoundedTuitionMCATGPAAcceptance RatePopulation
Stanford University School of MedicinePrivateStanford, CA81908$67,3055183.891.01%494
Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of MedicinePrivatePasadena, CA182020$61,4945163.760.65%199
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLAPublicLos Angeles, CA191951$63,7255143.81.34%850
University of California, San Francisco School of MedicinePublicSan Francisco, CA201864$62,7825153.871.96%849
Keck School of Medicine of University of Southern CaliforniaPrivateLos Angeles, CA231885$74,3735173.82.15%833
University of California, San Diego School of MedicinePublicLa Jolla, CA241968$56,9595153.771.61%667
University of California, Irvine School of MedicinePublicIrvine, CA281896$57,6905163.931.62%513
University of California, Davis School of MedicinePublicSacramento, CA791966$59,1385093.731.67%568
California Northstate University College of MedicinePrivateElk Grove, CA842015$74,4565113.63.23%453
Loma Linda University School of MedicinePrivateLoma Linda, CA861909$69,4365103.863.43%771
University of California, Riverside School of MedicinePublicRiverside, CA872008$57,1695093.61.42%362
California University of Science and MedicinePrivateColton, CA-2015$70,2005143.612.68%534
Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and SciencePrivateLos Angeles, CA-1966$69,000--6.26%60