Life Chiropractic College West

Hayward, CA Private
Founded in 1976, Life Chiropractic College West is a private school located in Hayward, California. The Chiropractic program at Life Chiropractic College West is accredited by Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE).
The 2024 tuition & fee at Life Chiropractic College West is $36,920. Compared to private Chiropractic schools in U.S., its tuition is higher than the average tuition of $31,910.

2024 Chiropractic Tuition & Fees

The 2024 Chiropractic tuition & fees at Life Chiropractic College West is $36,920 for is prospective students.
The tuition & fees at Life Chiropractic College West has increased by 5.29% over the past 5 years from $35,064 to $36,920.
The following table shows the Chiropractic tuition & fees over last 5 years at Life Chiropractic College West.
Chiropractic Tuition & Fees Changes at Life Chiropractic College West
YearTuition & Fees

Example Prerequisites Courses for applying to Life Chiropractic College West

The courses in the table below lists prerequisite courses as examples shown in Life Chiropractic College West admission page. For the detailed explanation, see its admission page.
Prerequisite Examples for Life Chiropractic College West Admission
Anatomy & Physiology I and IIScience Credit
Exercise PhysiologyScience Credit
KinesiologyScience Credit
Chemistry I and IIScience Credit
Cell BiologyScience Credit
BiochemistryScience Credit
Molecular BiologyScience Credit
BiomechanicsScience Credit
Human AnatomyScience Credit
Physics I and IIScience Credit
NutritionScience Credit
MicrobiologyScience Credit
Organic Chemistry I and IIScience Credit
StatisticsScience Credit
GeneticsScience Credit
AstronomyScience Credit
EnglishGeneral Study Credit
Human DevelopmentGeneral Study Credit
Information SystemsGeneral Study Credit
RhetoricGeneral Study Credit
PhilosophyGeneral Study Credit
SpeechGeneral Study Credit
PsychologyGeneral Study Credit
BusinessGeneral Study Credit
EthicsGeneral Study Credit
CommunicationGeneral Study Credit

Required Application Components

The application fee to apply to Life Chiropractic College West is $45.
In addition to the prerequisite courses, there are other components that you need to submit to apply to Life Chiropractic College West.
See the following list for the required application component and find out how to prepare it before applying to the school.
  • Application
  • Personal essay (1 -2 pages) telling us why you want to be a chiropractor
  • Official or unofficial high school transcript(s) or a copy of your diploma
  • Official college/university transcript(s) from all colleges attended
  • Entrance Interview (in person, written or by phone) as decided by Admission

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