National University Of Health Sciences College Of Professional Studies Doctor Of Chiropractic Medicine Program

Lombard, IL Private
Founded in 1906, National University Of Health Sciences College Of Professional Studies Doctor Of Chiropractic Medicine Program is a private school located in Lombard, Illinois. The Chiropractic program at National University Of Health Sciences College Of Professional Studies Doctor Of Chiropractic Medicine Program is accredited by Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE).
The 2024 tuition & fee at National University Of Health Sciences College Of Professional Studies Doctor Of Chiropractic Medicine Program is $582. Compared to private Chiropractic schools in U.S., its tuition is much lower than the average tuition of $31,910.

2024 Chiropractic Tuition & Fees

The 2024 Chiropractic tuition & fees at National University Of Health Sciences College Of Professional Studies Doctor Of Chiropractic Medicine Program is $582 for is prospective students.
The tuition & fees at National University Of Health Sciences College Of Professional Studies Doctor Of Chiropractic Medicine Program has not risen in the past changed over past 5 years.
National University of Health Sciences has undergraduate programs and its undergraduate tuition & fees $22,450 for is prospective students. The average graduate tuition & fees other than Chiropractic is $27,801.
The following table shows the Chiropractic tuition & fees over last 5 years at National University Of Health Sciences College Of Professional Studies Doctor Of Chiropractic Medicine Program.
Chiropractic Tuition & Fees Changes at National University Of Health Sciences College Of Professional Studies Doctor Of Chiropractic Medicine Program
YearTuition & Fees

Prerequisites for applying to National University Of Health Sciences College Of Professional Studies Doctor Of Chiropractic Medicine Program

The courses in the table below lists prerequisite courses as examples shown in National University Of Health Sciences College Of Professional Studies Doctor Of Chiropractic Medicine Program admission page. For the detailed explanation, see its admission page.
Prerequisite Examples for National University Of Health Sciences College Of Professional Studies Doctor Of Chiropractic Medicine Program Admission
BiologyScience Credit
PhysicsScience Credit
General ChemistryScience Credit
Organic ChemistryScience Credit
Anatomy (human or comparative)Science Credit
BiochemistryScience Credit

Required Application Components

The application fee to apply to National University Of Health Sciences College Of Professional Studies Doctor Of Chiropractic Medicine Program is $55.
In addition to the prerequisite courses, there are other components that you need to submit to apply to National University Of Health Sciences College Of Professional Studies Doctor Of Chiropractic Medicine Program.
See the following list for the required application component and find out how to prepare it before applying to the school.
  • Rolling admission schedule allows you to apply for entry into September, January or May trimesters
  • Complete an online or paper application and submit a $55 application fee
  • Write 3 essay responses (400-500 word minimum)
  • Provide two character references
  • Submit all official college transcripts
  • An informal interview (by phone, or in-person) with an Admissions counselor

National University Of Health Sciences College Of Professional Studies Doctor Of Chiropractic Medicine Program Directory Information