Northwestern Health Sciences University Doctor Of Chiropractic Program

Bloomington, MN Private
Founded in 1941, Northwestern Health Sciences University Doctor Of Chiropractic Program is a private school located in Bloomington, Minnesota. The Chiropractic program at Northwestern Health Sciences University Doctor Of Chiropractic Program is accredited by Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE).
The 2024 tuition & fee at Northwestern Health Sciences University Doctor Of Chiropractic Program is $27,320. Compared to private Chiropractic schools in U.S., its tuition is lower than the average tuition of $31,910.

2024 Chiropractic Tuition & Fees

The 2024 Chiropractic tuition & fees at Northwestern Health Sciences University Doctor Of Chiropractic Program is $27,320 for is prospective students.
The tuition & fees at Northwestern Health Sciences University Doctor Of Chiropractic Program has not risen in the past changed over past 5 years.
Northwestern Health Sciences University has undergraduate programs and its undergraduate tuition & fees $12,015 for is prospective students. The average graduate tuition & fees other than Chiropractic is $12,545.
The following table shows the Chiropractic tuition & fees over last 5 years at Northwestern Health Sciences University Doctor Of Chiropractic Program.
Chiropractic Tuition & Fees Changes at Northwestern Health Sciences University Doctor Of Chiropractic Program
YearTuition & Fees

Northwestern Health Sciences University Doctor Of Chiropractic Program Directory Information