Mercer University School of Medicine Student Population

Total Student Population

At Mercer University School of Medicine, a total of 597 students are enrolled including 170 first-time students. By gender, there are 257 male and 340 female students enrolled. Mercer School of Medicine has similar number of students as other medical schools.
Mercer University School of Medicine Student Population by Gender
Total EnrollmentMenWomeen
Mercer University School of Medicine597257340
All Medical Schools623283340
Georgia Medical Schools707292414
Mercer University School of Medicine Student Population and Comparison in Average Chart

First-year Students by Gender

Total 1,351 applicants applied to Mercer University School of Medicine. By gender, 40.9% of applicants were male and 58.9% were female. As for residency, 100.0% of applicants were Georgia residents and 0.0% applied from other states.
Of the matriculated students, 40.9% are male students and 56.5% female students. By legal residence, 100.0% of first-year students are Georgia residents and 0.0% students are from out of state.
First-year Students by Gender and Residency
YearTotalBy GenderBy Residency
MaleFemaleGA ResidentsOut-of-State
2021-2022Applicants 1,515 621892 1,5132
Matriculants151 6091 1510
Acceptance Rate9.97% 9.65% 10.20% 9.98% 0.00%
2022-2023Applicants 1,410 556852 1,4091
Matriculants160 6793 1600
Acceptance Rate11.35% 12.07% 10.92% 11.36% 0.00%
2023-2024Applicants 1,351 553796 1,3510
Matriculants170 7496 1700
Acceptance Rate12.58% 13.38% 12.07% 12.58% -
2024-2025Applicants 1,211 518691 1,2110
Matriculants174 72102 1740
Acceptance Rate14.37% 13.90% 14.75% 14.37% -