13 Texas Medical Schools Comparison

There are 13 LCME-accredited medical schools in Texas as of 2023. By school type, 12 medical schools are public and 1 are private. Baylor College of Medicine ranked first among Texas medical schools with #14 in overall medical school ranking.
The below list summarizes the 2023 important medical schools statistics for Texas medical schools.
  • The average MCAT Score of Texas medical schools is 512.
  • The average GPA is 3.80.
  • The average acceptance rate is 2.81%.
  • In public Texas medical schools, the average tuition & fees is $28,249 for state residents and $40,222 for out-of-state students.
  • In private Texas medical schools, the average tuition & fees is $42,671.
  • Total 7,822 students have attended Texas medical schools in 2023 and each school had 602 medical school students in average.
  • A total of 1,927 students have newly enrolled (first-time students) 2023 and , in average, a medical school had 148 first-time students last year.

List of Texas Medical Schools and Comparison

The following table lists 13 Texas medical schools with important statistics including tuition and MCAT scores. You can compare them with the information and sort the table by each column that you want. The ranking is for all LCME-accredited medical school. It is computed based on a number of factors including the admission scores, number of faculties, bar pass rate, acceptance rate, and employment statistics.
Texas Medical Schools Comparison Table
SchoolRankingFoundedTuitionMCATGPAAcceptance RatePopulation
Baylor College of MedicinePrivateHouston, TX141900$42,6715183.914.06%880
UT Health San Antonio Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long School of MedicinePublicSan Antonio, TX261959$37,2395183.884.31%947
University of Texas Southwestern Medical School at DallasPublicDallas, TX311943$38,7375173.834.20%1,021
Dell Medical School at The University of Texas at AustinPublicAustin, TX472013$35,4065143.780.95%206
The University of Texas Medical BranchPublicGalveston, TX581891$41,9335113.84.47%964
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of MedicinePublicLubbock, TX591969$36,3295123.93.64%744
Texas A&M Health Science Center College of MedicinePublicBryan, TX611977$36,0985133.863.56%850
UTHealth John P. and Katherine G. McGovern Medical SchoolPublicHouston, TX911969$36,3625123.844.25%1,020
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Paul L. Foster School of MedicinePublicEl Paso, TX1182007$37,9715093.822.72%498
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of MedicinePublicEdinburg, TX1202013$34,6325083.691.18%225
University of Houston College of MedicinePublicHouston, TX1462014$37,3685063.591.23%180
Burnett School of Medicine at Texas Christian UniversityPublicFort Worth, TX-2018$72,2705113.770.94%247
The University of Texas at Tyler School of MedicinePublicTyler, TX-2020$38,3225083.71.06%40