University of Maryland School of Medicine Admission Stats and Requirements & Deadlines

2.59% Acceptance Rate

The acceptance rate at University of Maryland School of Medicine is 2.59% for the 2024 admission. Here, the acceptance rate is the percentage of matriculated applicants. 5,684 people applied and 147 enrolled to the school.
The interview invitation rate of Maryland School of Medicine is 8.92%. Interview rate is the percentage of applicants who are invited to an admissions interview. (read more about acceptance and interview rates.)
Compared to all medical schools' rate, Maryland School of Medicine's acceptance rate is much lower than the average rate of 3.97%. The interview invitation rate is slightly lower than the average rate of 11.08%.
Compared to medical schools in Maryland, Maryland School of Medicine's acceptance rate is much lower than the average rate of 3.86%.
University of Maryland School of Medicine Admission Statistics
Acceptance RateInterview Invitation RateApplicantsMatriculated
University of Maryland School of Medicine2.59%8.92%5,684147
All Medical Schools3.97%11.08%965,47722,980
Maryland Medical Schools3.86%13.87%14,159443
University of Maryland School of Medicine Acceptance Rate Chart

Applicants and Matriculants by Gender and Residency

At Maryland School of Medicine, the men to women applicants ratio is 43 to 56 for the academic year 2023-2024. The in-state to out-of-state applicants ratio is 18 to 82.
For the matriculants, the men to wemen to ratio is 40 to 60 and the in-state to out-of-state ratio is 81 to 19 for 2024 admission.
Applicants and Matriculants by Gender and Residency Status
YearTotalBy GenderBy Residency
MenWomenMaryland ResidentsOut-of-State Residents
Acceptance Rate2.59%2.38%2.75%450.00%23.17%

MCAT Scores and GPA

The 2023 average MCAT Score at University of Maryland School of Medicine is 513 and the average GPA is 3.7 over 147 enrolled students. Compared to medical schools in U.S., Maryland School of Medicine' MCAT Score is similar to the average score of 512.
University of Maryland School of Medicine5133.7
All Medical Schools5123.77
Maryland Medical Schools5153.77
University of Maryland School of MedicineMCAT Score and GPA Chart

MAT score and GPA Trends

The following table shows the changes of GPA and MCAT scores at Maryland School of Medicine.
MCAT ScoreGPA OverallBCPM (Science) GPA

Application Timeline & Requirements

Out-of-state applicants can also apply to Maryland School of Medicine, but it is important to note that 81.0% of last year's enrolled students were Maryland residents. State-funded medical schools, like Maryland School of Medicine, give priority to residential applicants. Out-of-state students who have excellent grades and experience, or who have contributed greatly to Maryland state, have a chance of being accepted.
Additionally, it may require out-of-state applicants to have a higher GPA and MCAT score than in-state applicants.
The primary application deadline for fall 2025 admission is November 1, 2024. To apply to University of Maryland School of Medicine, applicants are required to complete an application on AMCAS (American Medical College Application Service.
Although there are set application deadlines, most medical schools prefer early applicants regardless of their rolling admissions policies. Therefore, applying early rather than waiting for the deadline can be a good way to get accepted.
After applying to AMCAS, applicants must submit secondary application to Maryland School of Medicine's application system by December 1, 2024. The secondary application fee for full-time M.D. program is $80 at Maryland School of Medicine.
The items in following table are the required items to University of Maryland School of Medicine applicants. Double-check the requirements by contacting admission office or check the application requirement page.
Maryland School of Medicine 2025 Admission Timeline and Requirements
Early Decision (AMCAS)2024-08-01
Early Decision Secondary2024-08-31
Regular (AMCAS)2024-11-01
Regular Secondary2024-12-01
Secondary Application Fee$80
Need to meet its Technical Standard
Prerequisites for Maryland School of Medicine Admission
Biological Sciences
  • 2 semester course(s) required or encouraged.
Chemical Sciences
  • 2 semester course(s) required or encouraged.
Organic Chemistry
  • 2 semester course(s) required or encouraged.
  • Lab experiences may be required.
English Or Other Writing Intensive Course
  • 2 semester course(s) required or encouraged.
  • Writing-intensive courses