University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville Student Population

Total Student Population

At University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville, a total of 409 students are enrolled including 98 first-time students. By gender, there are 192 male and 216 female students enrolled. USC-Greenville medicine is smaller than other medical schools.
University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville Student Population by Gender
Total EnrollmentMenWomeen
University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville409192216
All Medical Schools633284347
South Carolina Medical Schools524233289
University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville Student Population and Comparison in Average Chart

First-year Students by Gender

Total 2,965 applicants applied to University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville. By gender, 43.8% of applicants were male and 56.1% were female. As for residency, 16.1% of applicants were South Carolina residents and 83.9% applied from other states.
Of the matriculated students, 43.8% are male students and 57.1% female students. By legal residence, 74.5% of first-year students are South Carolina residents and 25.5% students are from out of state.
First-year Students by Gender and Residency
YearTotalBy GenderBy Residency
MaleFemaleSC ResidentsOut-of-State
2021-2022Applicants 3,125 1,3441,778 5562,569
Matriculants100 5347 7624
Acceptance Rate3.20% 3.94% 2.64% 13.66% 0.93%
2022-2023Applicants 3,258 1,4171,838 4662,792
Matriculants100 4555 7426
Acceptance Rate3.07% 3.18% 2.99% 15.88% 0.93%
2023-2024Applicants 2,858 1,2261,629 4892,369
Matriculants100 4455 7525
Acceptance Rate3.50% 3.59% 3.38% 15.35% 1.06%
2024-2025Applicants 2,965 1,2991,663 4772,488
Matriculants98 4156 7325
Acceptance Rate3.31% 3.15% 3.36% 15.29% 1.00%