UT Health San Antonio Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine Student Population

Total Student Population

At UT Health San Antonio Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine, a total of 947 students are enrolled including 232 first-time students. By gender, there are 499 male and 446 female students enrolled. UT San Antonio School of Medicine is bigger than other medical schools.
UT Health San Antonio Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine Student Population by Gender
Total EnrollmentMenWomeen
UT Health San Antonio Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine947499446
All Medical Schools623283340
Texas Medical Schools602290311
UT Health San Antonio Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine Student Population and Comparison in Average Chart

First-year Students by Gender

Total 5,378 applicants applied to UT Health San Antonio Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine. By gender, 46.3% of applicants were male and 53.3% were female. As for residency, 78.2% of applicants were Texas residents and 21.8% applied from other states.
Of the matriculated students, 46.3% are male students and 48.3% female students. By legal residence, 88.4% of first-year students are Texas residents and 11.6% students are from out of state.
First-year Students by Gender and Residency
YearTotalBy GenderBy Residency
MaleFemaleTX ResidentsOut-of-State
2021-2022Applicants 6,513 3,0163,491 5,0151,498
Matriculants214 111102 18331
Acceptance Rate3.29% 3.68% 2.92% 3.65% 2.07%
2022-2023Applicants 5,783 2,7013,077 4,4181,365
Matriculants226 123103 19135
Acceptance Rate3.91% 4.55% 3.35% 4.32% 2.57%
2023-2024Applicants 5,378 2,4902,866 4,2061,172
Matriculants232 119112 20527
Acceptance Rate4.31% 4.78% 3.91% 4.88% 2.30%
2024-2025Applicants 5,377 2,4792,877 4,2161,161
Matriculants227 13392 19532
Acceptance Rate4.22% 5.37% 3.20% 4.63% 2.76%